Final Terms

The first section of the final will consist of terms taken from this list. You will need to define each term and, where relevant, provide an example. felix culpa foil protagonist/antagonist mimesis in medias res epic virtue four Aristotelian causes nostoi hexameter theodicy epideictic four cardinal virtues three theological virtues dramatic irony comedy terza rima four levels… Continue reading Final Terms

Categorized as HUMA 202

Final Essay Questions

Choose two of these questions and write an insightful, cohesive essay in response to each.  Be sure to have a clear thesis and support it with specific textual examples and careful analysis (28 points each). In an increasingly digital age, where we offload our memories to external devices, what role should memory play in our… Continue reading Final Essay Questions

Categorized as HUMA 202

HUMA 202 Midterm Questions

Two of the following three questions will appear on the midterm, and you’ll write an essay in response to one of them. In other words, if you draft responses to two of these questions you’ll be prepared for the test. Be sure to have a clear thesis and support it with specific textual examples and careful… Continue reading HUMA 202 Midterm Questions

Categorized as HUMA 202

Midterm and Final

Both the midterm and the final will follow the same three-part format: The first section consists of a list of terms for you to define.  Anything I write on the board during class is fair game for this section. The second section consists of excerpts from our reading; you will need to identify the speaker… Continue reading Midterm and Final

Categorized as HUMA 202

Virtue Reflection

Each of the books that we’ll read has its own take on what virtues are important. Over the course of our reading and discussion, choose one virtue you see upheld in the text and find a way to practice it in your daily life. You may find that as you do this, your understanding of… Continue reading Virtue Reflection

Categorized as HUMA 202

Final HUMA 202 Essay

For your final essay, you will expand one of your three short essays into a fully fleshed out, 6-7 page essay. You might expand your argument by bringing in another book we’ve read as a point of comparison or by delving more deeply into one book. You should also do some research into what others… Continue reading Final HUMA 202 Essay

Categorized as HUMA 202

Short Essays

Over the course of the semester, you will write three one-page essays (between 275 and 300 words) on one of the major texts that we read. These essays will precisely lay out the skeleton of a larger argument. My hope is that by distilling your ideas into a one-page summary you will have a greater… Continue reading Short Essays

Categorized as HUMA 202

Reading Question Guidelines

Each day for which there is reading assigned you will bring one carefully crafted question about the reading. Please bring two typed copies of this question. At the beginning of class, I will ask you a question about the reading, and you will then write your answer on the bottom of one of these copies… Continue reading Reading Question Guidelines

Categorized as HUMA 202