Scholarly Writing

Selected Essays and Book Chapters

Bilbro, Jeffrey. “Appalachia Nice.” Middle West Review, vol. 11 no. 1, 2024, p. 341-345. Project MUSE,

Incarnation and Imagination in Jayber Crow: Wendell Berry’s Divine Comedy.” Co-authored with Sarah Reardon. Christianity and Literature. 73.1 (2024): 119-137.

“Earthy Religion and Church Religion: Liberty Hyde Bailey, Wendell Berry, and the Shifting Landscape of Belief.” Perspectives in Religious Studies 48.1 (2021): 5-14.

Introductions to “Listening to Peter and the Wolf with Jason, Aged 3,” by A.E. Stallings and “Early in the year, by my friend’s gift,” by Wendell Berry for 30 Poems To Memorize (Before It’s Too Late), edited by David Kern. Circe Institute. 2020.

When Did Wendell Berry Start Talking Like a Christian?” Christianity and Literature 68.2 (2019): 272-96. (An excerpt of this essay was published on C&L‘s blog.)

“Personal but Not Individual: How The Saint John’s Bible Responds to Consumerism,” in The Saint John’s Bible and its Tradition: Illuminating Beauty in the Twenty-First Century. Ed. Jack Baker, Jeffrey Bilbro, and Daniel Train. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2018. 122-135.

How Wendell Berry Helps Universities Inhabit Their Places,” with Jack Baker. Christian Scholar’s Review 47.4 (2018): 415-422.

“Andy Catlett’s Missing Hand: Making Do as Wounded Members,” in Telling the Stories Right: Wendell Berry’s Port William Fiction. Ed. Jack Baker and Jeffrey Bilbro. Eugene, OR: Front Porch Republic Books, 2018. 71-88.

“Reimagining the University with Wendell Berry,” with Jack Baker, in Localism in the Mass Age: A Front Porch Republic Manifesto. Ed. Jason Peters and Mark Mitchell. Eugene, OR: Front Porch Republic Books, 2018. 141-150.

“The ‘Art of Attaining Truth’ in Moby-Dick: Print Technologies, Hermeneutics, and Castaway Readers,” in Above the American Renaissance. Ed. Harold K. Bush and Brian Yothers. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2018: 125-39.

The Ecology of Memory: Augustine, Eliot, and the Form of Wendell Berry’s Fiction.” Christianity and Literature 65.3 (2016): 327-342.

Putting Down Roots: Why Universities Need Gardens,” with Jack Baker. Christian Scholar’s Review 45.2 (2016): 125-142. Reprinted in Christian Faith and University Life: Stewards of the Academy, Ed. Laine T. Scales and Jennifer Howell. Christian Scholar’s Review later published a response to our essay by Brandon Hoover as well as our reply, see Christian Scholar’s Review 46.4 (2017): 385-392.

Sublime Failure: Why We’d Better Start Seeing Our World as Beautiful.” South Atlantic Review 80.1-2 (2015): 133-158.

Teaching Thoreau in China: Waldensian Reflections on Chinese Ecology and Agriculture.” The Journal of Ecocriticism 7.1 (2015).

“Learning to Woo Meaning from Apparent Chaos: Republican Interpreters, Milton, and the Ecological Form of Summer on the Lakes.” in Writing the Environment in Nineteenth-Century American Literature: The Ecological Awareness of Early Scribes of Nature. Ed. Steven Petersheim and Madison Jones IV. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. 57-76.

The Form of the Cross: Milton’s Chiastic Soteriology.” Milton Quarterly 47.3 (2013): 127-148.

Lahiri’s Hawthornian Roots: Art and Tradition in ‘Hema and Kaushik.’” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 54.4 (2013): 380-394.

Responding Effectively to Composition Students: Comparing Student Perceptions of Written and Audio Feedback.” with Christina Iluzada and David Clark. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching 24.1 (2013): 47-83.

Doing Good Work.” Christian Reflection: Caring for Creation (2012): 58-64.

Who are Lost and How They’re Found: Redemption and Theodicy in Wheatley, Newton, and Cowper.” Early American Literature 47.3 (2012): 561-589.

Preserving ‘God’s Wildness’ for Redemptive Baptism: John Muir and Disciples of Christ Theology.” Christianity and Literature 61.4 (2012): 587-622.

C. Day Lewis and W. B. Yeats: ‘Heartening a Few to Courage and Acceptance.’” Paideuma: Modern and Contemporary Poetry and Poetics 39 (2012): 49-73.

Reflective Order: Paul Muldoon’s Whimsical Forms.” ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 25.1 (2012): 69-74.

The Eros of Child and Cupid: Wendell Berry’s Agrarian Engagement with Ecofeminism.” Mississippi Quarterly 64.2 (2011): 289-310.

Sounding the Darkness and Discovering the Marvelous: Hearing ‘A Lough Neagh Sequence’ with Seamus Heaney’s Auditory Imagination.” Irish Studies Review 19.3 (2011): 321-340. Reissued in a 2014 Virtual Issue of Irish Studies Review to mark the death of Seamus Heaney.

‘That Petrified Laugh’: Mark Twain’s Hoaxes in the West and Camelot.” JNT: Journal of Narrative Theory 41.2 (2011): 204-234.

Helping People Love the World: An Interview with Gary Snyder.” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and the Environment 18.2 (2011): 431-41.  

The Return of Desire and Deed in Phantastes and Pilgrim’s Regress.” Mythlore 28.3/4 (2010): 21-37.

A Form for Living in the Midst of Loss: Faithful Marriage in the Revisions of A Place on Earth.” The Southern Literary Journal 42.2 (2010): 89-105.

“‘A real practical, in the American manner’: Turgenev’s Emersonian Reformer.” The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies N.S. 17 (2009): 99-124.

From Violence to Silence: The Rhetorical Means and Ends of Thomas Merton’s Antipoetry.” The Merton Annual: Studies in Culture, Spirituality and Social Concerns 22 (2009): 120-139.

“‘Yet more spacious space’: Higher-Dimensional Imagination from Flatland to Lilith.” North Wind: A Journal of George MacDonald Studies 28 (2009): 1-12.