Final Exam

For the final exam, you will be asked to write an in-class academic review essay on a book of your choice. Early in the semester, you will choose a book of at least 150 pages to read.

It should be a non-fiction work of scholarship by a single author or authors.  (It should not be an edited book where each chapter has its own author, and it should not be something akin to “A Short Introduction to…” It should not be The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, but it may be a literary critic’s analysis of Huck Finn or Mark Twain’s work.)

You may pick a book related to your major, your desired profession, or a substantial area of academic and/or professional interest. I also encourage you to select a book that approaches the topic from the perspective of a Christian writer when possible.

The class will visit the library early in the semester and provide time to explore the stacks. Librarians will be available to show you the sections and call numbers that address your major or interests.  You will check the book out early in the semester and can re-check it multiple times. You will be able to turn it in after your final despite the Library’s request for books to be returned by Study Day, though you are free to incorporate all of the information you need from the book into your outline and return the book before the final.  The GCC library also has a substantial database of e-books that are at your disposal for this assignment if they meet the criteria described above. (There is some overlap between physical books and e-books in the collection.) Alternatively, you may ask a professor in your major to recommend a book. You may procure a copy of the book you choose yourself rather than relying on the library’s copy.

Starting the book is essential to the first essay. Read the rest of your book carefully during the semester.

Before the exam time, you can outline your academic review of this book and do whatever pre-writing you want to. Then, in class on the day of the final exam, you will write 3-4 page (1000-1200 word) review, using the book itself and one page of printed notes, and submit it via email.